Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) & the corporate Search
ssm company search
The SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia) is that the statutory body fashioned in Malaysiato managecorporations and businesses that are wrongfully registered and operational in Malaysia. The SSM is understood in English because thecorporations Commission of Malaysia, and this body was fashioned as results of a merger between the Registrar of corporations (ROC) and therefore the Registrar of companies (ROB).
There are thousands of companies that are registered in Malaysianowadaysand therefore therangesimplycontinue to grow. This includes eachnative and international corporations that have set of operations in Malaysia’s causative business surroundings. Malaysia’s economy is wealthy with chance for the savvy capitalistto requireadvantage of.
Now, as a result of there are thousands of companies that are registered in Malaysia, this maysolely mean one factor – there also are thousands of company names out there to go looking and sift through. And that, mayencourage be a really tedious method. As a possiblebourgeoisWorld Health Organization is fascinating in forming a corporation in Malaysia and is presentlywithin themethod of selectinga reputation, you’regazingthe chance of filtering through thousands of name databases simplyto see if your name has already been taken or not.
The SSM Company Search & however It Works
Thankfully, the method of looking forcorporations has been createda touch easier, due to the SSM’s e-Info net services. this can bean internet} based mostly services that gives users with the choiceto go looking for and geta corporation and business data online as an alternate to having to try to to it manually over the counter.
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The e-info service makes the SSM name search method accessible to everybody, see you later as they neednetproperty at hand. The service is offeredtwenty four hours on a daily basisand seven days per week. Among the datathat’s provided by the e-info search include:
- Corporate data
- Profit and loss account
- Company money statements
- The outline of the company’s share capital
- The Directors and officers of the corporate
- Shareholders and members of the corporate
- Company charges
- Business data
- Information on this business owner
- The nature of the business

To access the data, the user would should log in or register as associate e-Account member with the SSM if they need to conduct a corporation or business search. Users are going to beneeded to pay a fee of RM5.00 on prime of this fees that are obligatory by the SSM to own this dataoffered via the counter. Payment will becreated by the user via paid, MEPSCASH, mastercard and net banking services. The fees charged by SSM are RM10, which is able toattendthe