Online Submission for PCB FORM (C939 STATEMENT) From 1st September 2019.

As an effort to increase the usage of online payment (e-payment).Starting from 1st September 2019, Employers will have to go online to submit the Form CP39 or statement of monthly tax deduction (MTD) to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) and would no longer accept manually submitted Form CP39 (statement of monthly tax deduction), compact disk (CD/ DVD), flash drive and diskette as well as cash and cheque payments of the MTD from employers.

For submission of the statement of MTD or employees MTD data for the month of August 2019 and for subsequent months, Employers may only use the e-PCB, e-Data PCB or e-CP39 methods provided through the ezHasil sub-menu on IRBM’s official portal

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